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creative // artist // designer


Creativity is a fundamental part of who I am. It's something I cannot deny, hide, or put away. From my earliest memories, there has always been a need inside of me to make something out of the things around me. As a child, I spent most of my time outside. Nature inspires me constantly and is my happy place.

For many years as an adult, I have struggled with anxiety and other health issues. Not being true to myself and allowing myself space to create has brought more misery and struggle.

The work I do is now a reflection of my journey to wholeness.



Nature informs almost everything I create. It is grounding for me to be outside and feel small- like I can finally let go of control. I am at the mercy of everything around me, and I remember that I am not the center of the universe. Because of this, hiking trips and outdoor adventures to new places greatly inspire my work.

Whether stepping back to see an incredible sunset, or kneeling down to view the petals of a delicate flower, I am inspired to capture the beauty of it all. The world is fascinating on both macro and micro levels. I see this concept in my own human experience, and I appreciate the big and small moments as life happens. I’m grateful for everything I’ve been through. Each painting is a personal pursuit towards wholeness and beauty.


My journey with paint began as a consequence of not taking care of myself. As I was learning to slow down and seek wholeness, I began applying the concept of overcoming fears in my painting process. I began to try and paint things that seemed impossible. Challenging myself became a game. I signed up for a portrait class because I wouldn't start a portrait painting on my own. Trying to capture a person inside and out with paint was terrifying so I signed up for a portrait class. So many of my breakthrough moments happened because I simply tried something new. I worked through my failed attempts and did not give up. I will forever continue to use this technique to grow in my life as well as my art process. I am excited to see how far I can push myself with my creativity!



Aside from painting, I enjoy working part time at a local picture framing shop. In my spare time, I search for the next adventure, advance my interior design skills, listen to philosophical podcasts, and play music on a variety of instruments. I also love being home with my family! My husband Zach is my biggest supporter and fan of my work. He has sacrificed so much for me. We have FOUR amazing, fun, creative, hilarious kids and we are fully dedicated to each other and to them. Our home is regularly filled with fun, laughter, joy, arguing, forgiveness, music, games, good food, and love on a daily basis.

Wet Paintbrushes

Vincent van Gogh


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